Get Plugged In!

Want to get involved? There are lots of exciting ministries at LMCC!

Ready to get involved in a ministry?

We've all said it: "I'd love to help out at church, but I just don't know where I fit." Well, you've come to the right place. We have lots of exciting ministries here at LMCC, and we're always looking for people with willing hands and hearts! You'll find out pretty quickly that serving in a ministry not only gives us a chance to serve God and one another, it helps us to form bonds and build relationships with fellow Christians that will last a lifetime (and beyond!).

Here's a list of ministries currently going on here at LMCC:

  • Christian Workers- Christian women working together to serve the Kingdom.
  • Clothes Closet- Offering free clothing to those in need.
  • GriefShare- Serving those who have lost loved ones, and finding healing in Christ.
  • Hospitality- Welcome and assist guests (Welcome Desk), or help to keep our church a safe place to worship (Security).
  • L.E.G.A.C.Y. Teens- Serve as a sponsor or helper for our 7th-12th graders.*
  • LMCC Kids- Serve as a helper for our kids from 18 months through grade 6.*
  • Media Team- Help us to run sound and video during services, generate online content, or with social media/website.
  • Praise Team- We're always looking for talented musicians and vocalists to join as regular members or for special music.

If you're interested in serving in any of these ministries, just fill in your info below, and a ministry leader will reach out to you! Also, feel free to let us know if you have any experience or special talents that apply to that ministry (it's okay if you don't, we just want to help you serve in a way that suits your talents!). Have an idea for a ministry and don't see it listed? Type it in below and someone would be glad to talk with you about it!

*For the safety of our kids, anyone wanting to serve in our kids' or teens' ministries will need to have a background check. If you are interested in serving our youth, you can CLICK HERE to fill out a background check form. Once you've completed one, please send us a message below so that we can be on the lookout for your results!