Watch Livestreams

Watch our livestream services and Bible studies!

Watch live services and Bible studies!

We know there are times when people aren't able to make it to a service, but that doesn't mean you can't be with your friends and family at LMCC! We livestream all our Sunday services as well as the Wednesday night Bible study! Feel free to join us on YouTube every Sunday at 8am, 10:30am, and 6pm (both AM services are identical), and every Wednesday at 7pm. If you're unable to join us for the livestream, never fear! The videos will remain on our YouTube Channel for you to view, or you can find the message right hear on our Sermons page! Ready to get started? Just click on the link below!

sundays @ 8am | 10:30am | 6pm / Wednesdays @ 7pm

Or catch up on our previous messages!