Meet our evangelists
Here at LMCC we believe that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Rom 10:17). Our evangelists are dedicated to preaching God's Word accurately and passionately, and to helping people apply those teachings to their lives.
Jason Cole- Senior Evangelist

Jason Cole was born and raised in Roanoke, Virginia. It was there that he became a Christian, at the Edgewood Christian Church. It is also where he met his wife, Stephanie. Together, Jason and Stephanie attended and graduated from Johnson Bible College. Jason earned a degree in Bible and Preaching. After college, Jason held full time ministries in Asheville, North Carolina, Bluefield, Virginia and Zanesville, Ohio before coming to Lake Mount. Jason and Stephanie have been blessed with six children together. Jason is a self-proclaimed nerd, who loves history and reading. Jason loves studying the Bible and has a passion for preaching. He is also an avid sports fan. He most notably roots for the Baltimore Orioles and Duke basketball team.
Tim Postle- Associate Evangelist

Baptized for the forgiveness of his sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit on October 16, 1988, Tim Postle is nothing more than a dedicated servant of the Lord. He was born and raised at the Rocky Fork Church of Christ. Then, after graduating from The Ohio State University, with a Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management), and spending 3 years in management with Meijer he decided to go into the ministry. Tim graduated from the Northeast Ohio Bible College in 2009, with a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and has been an Evangelist with the Lake Mount Church of Christ since 2005.
While there he has spent most of his time with the youth and has also been preaching to the adults at our Sunday evening service since 2011. He loves to see people, young and old, energized for Christ.
God has blessed Tim with a loving wife (Erin) and 5 children (Jonathan, Jenna, Madelyn, Emma, & Lauren) who bring him great joy as a husband and father.
Matt Cochran- Youth and Worship Evangelist

Matt Cochran grew up in Columbiana County, and was immersed into Christ in 2006 at Calcutta Christian Church. He attended Lake Mount as a child, and returned in 2008 with his wife Tina and their children. He began serving as a Youth Sponsor in 2013, and quickly developed a passion for seeing young people grow in their relationship with Christ. He loves challenging our teens and helping them to build a deep faith that will continue to grow throughout their lives. Matt was brought on to serve as LMCC’s Youth & Worship Evangelist in 2019. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sacred Literature from Summit Theological Seminary, and is currently pursuing a Master's Degree at Louisville Bible College. He is excited to grow in his service to God through preaching, teaching, song, and through sharing the Gospel of Christ with the world. He loves reading, writing, music, playing games, and spending time with family and friends.
Meet our elders
Here at Lake Mount Church of Christ, we are blessed to have a group of wonderful elders to shepherd the congregation. When you place your membership with LMCC or are immersed into Christ here, you will be assigned to an elder. These men are here to provide guidance, prayer, teaching, and assistance to those in their care.

Meet our staff
Here at LMCC, we're blessed to have people who are dedicated to serving the church, seeing to the physical needs of the building, and making sure things are organized, clean, and welcoming to those who come to worship with us.