What is L.E.G.A.C.Y.?
L.E.G.A.C.Y. (Leading Examples in God’s Awesome Christian Youth) is our 7th-12th grade youth group here at LMCC! We are focused on studying God’s Word, learning to share the gospel with others and to defend our faith, and on building lifelong friendships with people who share our faith in Christ. As we grow in Christ through study and prayer, we need to encourage each other in our walk with Him, holding each other accountable and standing by one another through life’s challenges. It’s hard to be a teenager, and it’s even harder to be a Christian teenager. At LEGACY, we help our teens develop a deep relationship with God, a support system of Christian friends, and the ability to explain and defend what we believe about Christ and His Word.
when and where?
LEGACY meets every Sunday at 6:00pm and every Wednesday at 7pm, right here at LMCC, 6290 State Route 7, New Waterford, OH, 44445. For directions, CLICK HERE. We also have Sunday School every week at 9:30am.
We also have special events every month where we hang out, go places together, and have a great time. For info on upcoming events, check out the L.E.G.A.C.Y. Special Events and Ministry Opportunities section below, or visit our Facebook page.
What are the meetings like?
sunday nights @ 6pm: sunday night worship
What does it mean to be a Christian? What does God expect of us? What does the Bible say about EVERYTHING? As Christians, we’re called to live our lives in a new way. We can’t do that unless we learn to THINK in a new way. That's why Sunday nights at LEGACY are all about diving into God's word and figuring out what it means for our lives. It's a time when we can ask questions, build each other up, and gain confidence in the Word of God. We meet at 6pm to sing praises to God with our LEGACY worship band, and then get into the Word together.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2.

Wednesday nights @ 7pm: Christian worldview
As Christians, we view the world through the lens of faith, understanding that God's Word is the ultimate source of truth. This causes us to hold beliefs that go against what the world teaches. We will be challenged on what we believe, by friends, family, teachers, college professors, even strangers sometimes. Many teens who are raised in the church go on to college and abandon their faith, because they are confronted with questions about God that they don’t know how to answer. Has science proven the Bible false? Is evolution a fact and creation a fairy tale? How could a loving God allow suffering? Is there one way to receive salvation, or many? In Christian Worldview class, we learn to answer these questions and lots of others. We learn that what we believe about God and creation is not only reasonable, but that it fits the evidence better than any other explanation for what we see around us. We prepare our teens to go on to college and the rest of their lives with the confidence that they know what they believe about Christ, and how to defend and share that faith. And they learn to do it with kindness, patience, and love. “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” 1 Peter 3:15.

What else do we do?
LEGACY isn't all class, all the time. We do lots of things just for fun, and have special events at least once a month. Some of the things we’ve done include bowling, all-night lock-ins, bonfires, outdoor movies, pool parties, trips to amusement parks, etc. We also like to serve others as Christ did, so we find ways to help others during the year.
Here's a calendar of our upcoming events! Below the calendar, you'll find links to sign up for any upcoming events, trips, or ministry opportunities.
l.e.g.a.c.y. special events and ministry opportunities
L.E.G.A.C.Y. Next Steps: Sign up here for special events and ministry opportunities!
Dress code for LEGACY events!
Are you an adult who would like to volunteer?
For the safety of our kids, anyone wanting to serve in our kids' or teens' ministries will need to have a background check. If you are interested in serving our youth, you can CLICK HERE to fill out a background check form. Once you've completed one, please send us a message below so that we can be on the lookout for your results!
Meet our youth evangelist
Matt Cochran began serving as a Youth Sponsor in 2013. He quickly developed a passion for seeing young people grow in their relationship with Christ, and was brought on as the Youth Evangelist in 2019. He loves challenging our teens and helping them to build a deep faith in Christ that will continue to grow throughout their lives.

Have a question about LEGACY? Get in touch with our youth evangelist!